"The Navigator"

Sep 19, 2020

At one point, this peculiar looking man sat next to another.

When asked where he was going, the navigator stated:

"I shall travel upon thousands of miles

Through every chasm, rock, glacier

Through every corner of time space

transcend through the depths of wormholes an black holes

May it show in my age, my gold scepter tarnished from travel

My left arm bird tired from his travels

My boots worn from the rock that its face hath laid

Yet, even with this experience, I will still travel with my mighty compass

Constantly pointing in the direction where I shall go next

But this compass, more special then all

It does not point in one direction, but in all directions

And with its instruction, I shall lead my journey

For what? It's up to me.

As I am the Navigator."

Nathan Chien

The System Admin. People say admins turn coffee into working code, but I don't drink coffee... I draw sometimes too. Contact me if something happens.
